

    How to report death to the tax office?

    Reporting the death of a loved one to the tax authorities is an important formality. Find out how to report a death to the IRS, who is responsible for paying taxes after death, and what deadlines must be met to avoid penalties.

    Live: Answers to questions about your financial goals

    Join our live broadcast where we will discuss important financial goals, ways to protect your savings from inflation, financial instruments in France and much more. Get personalized financial planning advice!

    Qui n'a pas besoin de produire une déclaration fiscale en 2022

    Au moment donné il est temps de déposer votre déclaration de revenus. Cependant il ya des contribuables qui n'ont pas besoin de produire...

    Optimization fiscal pour TNS en cadre de loi Madelin ou Fillon

    Tout d'abord, qu'est-ce qui unit tous les TNS (travailleurs non-salariés) les entrepreneurs, les artisans, les commerçants, les chefs d'entreprise, les professions libérales ? Ils appartiennent...

    Invitation à l'evenement : Retraite en Russie et en France: analyze comparative

    Et vous, pensez-vous à votre retraite? Beaucoup de jeunes actifs estiment qu'une grande part de leurs revenus à la retraite proviendra de l'épargne qu'ils se...

    Sign up for

    Sign up for a consultation and get professional help with your project...

    Our services:

    Financial protection in case of temporary and permanent disability and loss of a breadwinner

    Avizen Pro is an insurance product specifically designed for self-employed workers, providing reliable financial protection against the consequences of death, disability and/or temporary disability.

    Accident insurance

    Discover the need for accident insurance.

    How to protect your loved ones from loss of autonomy

    The main purpose of the Entour'Age contract is to offer the insured person (and his loved ones) specific solutions when he begins to need constant care. Read more in the article.

    Funeral insurance ESSEN'CIEL

    ESSEN'CIEL lasts a lifetime and ends with the death of the insured, but also in the event of termination or complete abandonment of the contract. Find out the details.