FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

  • How much does support cost for opening a company in France?

    The cost may vary depending on the number of additional services and the complexity of your request. Therefore, I suggest you sign up for introductory consultation via link where we will discuss what stage you are in the process of starting a company and how I can help you.

  • How can I make an appointment with you for a consultation?
  • How much will it cost to open Autoentreprise in France?

    The cost may vary depending on the number of additional services and the complexity of your request. There are 3 tariffs: Start, Business and VIP. You will find information about what is included in the service package for each tariff. on the page by following the link.

  • How can an individual entrepreneur get tax deductions through insurance and financial products?

    Thanks to the use of insurance products for an individual entrepreneur, it is possible to reduce taxes on IR and BNC/BIC income. Thanks to my help, many clients have saved significant amounts of money on taxes. Basically my clients save between 30% and 45% in taxes on their contributions to pension scheme investments (loi Fillon, loi Madelin). Reduce taxable income through contributions to Mutuelle and Prévoyance (loi Madelin). Each situation requires an individual diagnosis, so I invite you to make an appointment with me introductory consultation, where we will discuss your project and I will offer you the best individual solutions.