HomeBlogHow to avoid accidents on water - what to do?

    How to avoid accidents on water - what to do?


    Your baby begins to get acquainted with water activities, family trips to the pool, swimming in the sea...

    Swimming is a leisure activity that has very few contraindications. We can enjoy its benefits at any time of year and at any age if we have good tips to reduce the risk of drowning.

    девочка в бассейне

    Key figures

    In the latest study carried out by Santé Publique France, 1,649 water accidents were recorded in France in 2018 (25% of which were fatal). These figures increased by 30% compared to 2015.

    Accidents on the water are the cause of about 1 thousand. deaths every year and is the leading cause of accidental death among people under 25 years of age.

    • These cases occur in the sea - 41%, in swimming pools - 31%, on bodies of water - 11% and in other places such as baths or ponds - 4%;
    • Children under 6 years of age suffer the most;
    • Every fifth Frenchman cannot swim.

    Swimming in the pool: precautions for children?

    When it's hot outside, what could be better than relaxing in the pool? To fully enjoy this moment, equip it with at least 1 of 4 standard and mandatory safety features:

    • barrier;
    • lid;
    • signaling;
    • pool fencing.

    We encourage you to make sure these "safety allies" are present when you're lounging poolside on vacation or visiting friends to help keep your children safe.

    Moreover, it is important to introduce your little swimmers to some very simple water safety principles from an early age.

    Checklist - 7 tips for little ones so they can swim safer

    1. Above all, remember that continued vigilance by an adult throughout the swim is the best protection against the risk of drowning. If you are with family or friends, ensure active and close supervision by a designated adult.
    2. To avoid accidentally falling into the pool, be careful: it is prohibited to approach the pool without an adult! Once the rule has been formulated, explain the risks involved to your child in a manner appropriate to their age and maturity.
    3. Swimsuits with floats, armbands and swim vests minimize the risk of drowning until they have mastered at least one swimming technique: Wearing them is important for little ones... like sunscreen or a Panama hat.плавательные принадлежности
    4. Knowing how to swim is key: Everyone has their own good reasons to motivate little ones to take swimming lessons before or during the summer.
    5. Your children should remain visible: encourage them not to hide under or behind floating equipment (mattresses, bulky buoys, etc.). It is important that they can always be seen.
    6. Work with your children to identify suction openings (drains, bottom drains, etc.) and explain to them how the equipment works so they are aware of the possible hazards associated with it.
    7. After swimming, toys and buoys should be removed from the pool so that, if necessary, you can quickly check that no one is in the water. Immediately after swimming, wear protective equipment on the pool and then block access to it if possible.

    Swimming in the sea - safety tips

    Sunscreen, beach towel, swimsuit, cap or hat... You think you have everything you need for a swim on your next trip. However, before you take your first dip in the sea, it may be a good idea to check with local authorities or residents about the most suitable beaches for families.

    Also, do not forget to find out about the swimming conditions (currents, tides, etc.) in the place where you are, as well as the sanitary quality of the water.

    семья на море

    Please note: in some countries, public beaches are sometimes not supervised and there are no life-saving equipment available.

    And when swimming in a natural environment, check the available water depth before diving or jumping.

    5 tips to avoid drowning at sea

    1. The best way to avoid drowning is to never swim alone: a basic rule that applies to any water sport;
    2. Don't overestimate your strength when sailing away from the beach, make sure you can easily return. Find out if there are rough areas of the sea or possible areas where waves break against obstacles on the surface or underwater that, once crossed, could prevent your return;
    3. If you are caught in a current: do not tire yourself with the struggle: allow yourself to swim to the shore, even if it is far from your starting point;
    4. If you have a cramp or are having difficulty: try not to panic. Only wave if you are sure someone can see you. Violent movements quickly tire, and a relaxed, motionless body floats better, awaiting rescue;
    5. Swim slowly until help arrives. Although it may seem difficult in this context, force yourself to relax and breathe deeply and slowly.

    Dangers of marine flora and fauna: how to respond?

    Sometimes we forget about this, but some sea animals and plants can accompany our voyages and enchant us with their beauty.

    Beware of the bite of some poisonous fish, for example, the scorpion fish found in the Mediterranean Sea, it causes such severe pain that it can lead to loss of consciousness and, as a result, a risk of drowning.

    To put it more commonly, the dangers while swimming in the sea mainly concern:

    • Sea urchins: If your baby steps on a sea urchin, you should definitely remove the spines from the skin.
    • Rocks and shells: Do not place your feet on the bottom in lagoons.
    • Corals, anemones and jellyfish: May cause skin burns on slight contact. And this, even if they are stuck on the sand! There are sunscreens that protect against jellyfish stings.Как избежать несчастных случаев на воде - что делать?
    • Microscopic toxic algae: These can grow in certain climates and cause a burning or itching sensation after leaving the water. When this algae invades beaches, swimming is prohibited.
    • Parasites: Infectious and parasitic risks are mainly associated with swimming in fresh water in tropical countries. To be on the safe side, do not swim in hot, standing water, in river mouths, near sewers, or even after a storm. This is especially important if you have a wound or scrape, which is a good starting point for bacteria.

    The sea and sharks: legend or reality?

    As is known, the risk of shark attacks is very low, but remains a reality in some regions (Reunion Island, Australia, etc.). Areas at risk are marked with signs and surfers and windsurfers are aware of this; sharks often confuse their board with a large fish or seal.

    Как избежать несчастных случаев на воде - что делать?

    How to get qualified help and ensure financial protection from an accident

    Luckily, AXA has MaPa accident insurance, which also covers swimming risks.


    • Compensation ceiling up to €2 million**;
    • 24/7 assistance is provided immediately after an accident is reported.

    With this insurance, you can benefit from high-quality care. which is available 24/7. Qualified specialists will provide first aid and, if necessary, hospitalize you at the nearest medical center.

    The cost of a MaPa contract starts from 9€/month. (depending on the selected options and tariffs).

    At this link you can read more about accident insurance.

    Write to me, I will select a tariff for you and help you draw up a contract.

    Sign up for a consultation

    Protect yourself and your loved ones and enjoy your vacation!

    Source https://www.axaprevention.fr/noyade-conseils-securiser-la-baignade-a-tout-age-en-mer-ou-piscine

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    Olga Rouzade
    Olga Rouzade
    Advisor on business creation and promotion and organization of personal, family finances. I help to create a program of solutions to achieve your financial goals taking into account tax optimization. I consult on issues of business creation and promotion in France.

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