HomeBlogHow to get a Kbis statement for Auto-entrepreneur

    How to get a Kbis statement for Auto-entrepreneur


    Are you self-employed, have a Micro-Entreprise and are asked to provide a Kbis statement? Don't panic, from the article you will learn how to obtain this precious document, from registration to requesting an extract.

    What is Kbis statement and K statement?

    The first thing you need to know is that the Kbis extract and the K extract only concern commercial companies registered in the Trade and Commercial Register Registre du Commerce et des sociétés (RCS). These documents, issued by the Commercial Court Registry, are extracts from the RCS, which serve as “identity proof” for companies. They make it possible to prove the legal existence of the latter.

    Registration with the Register of Trade and Commerce (RCS) is mandatory for all companies carrying out commercial activities.

    There is widespread confusion between these two documents, but it should be remembered that for Auto-entrepreneurs (also called Micro-Entreprises) registered with the RCS, we are talking about an extract K, not an extract Kbis:

    Extract K can only be requested for entrepreneurs who operate their business in their own name, that is, Micro-Entreprise owners or sole proprietors (EIs).

    The Kbis extract concerns legal companies (SARL, SAS, etc.).

    What do K and Kbis statements contain?

    Kbis and K statements are official documents that contain all the information to identify a company registered in the Commercial Register (RCS).

    If you are self-employed, your K statement will contain, in particular:

    • Date of creation of your individual business,
    • your RCS registration,
    • type of commercial activity carried out (NAF code),
    • your SIREN number,
    • home address,
    • your identification information (name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality).

    What is extract K used for?

    We advise all Auto-entrepreneurs registered with the RCS to request a K statement as soon as possible. You may indeed be asked for this in many situations, for example:

    • In your banking procedures (opening a business account, applying for a loan, etc.),
    • in subscribing to professional liability insurance,
    • when concluding an agreement with your suppliers,
    • clients before signing a commercial proposal.

    Extract K only applies to companies registered with the RCS. If so, how can other companies verify their registration?

    If you are a craftsman, the equivalent of Extract K is Extract D1, which confirms your registration with the Répertoire des Métiers.

    If you are self-employed, you are not subject to the registration obligation. You can simply provide a situation notification to SIREN by uploading it on the INSEE platform.

    Auto-entrepreneur merchant: how to get an extract K?

    Receipt of your Statement K is subject to registration of your individual title with the Registry of Trade and Commerce (RCS). So the steps will be different if you are already working or not.

    Как получить выписку Kbis для Auto-entrepreneur

    Case #1: You haven't created your own business yet

    You will first need to declare your business and request registration with the Registry of Trade and Commerce (RCS). You will complete these two formalities simultaneously by completing one file.

    To do this you will need to provide:

    • Duly completed and signed form P0 Micro-Entrepreneur,
    • sworn statement of good conduct,
    • a copy of the identity document,
    • confirmation of place of residence or commercial premises,
    • if you are married: a marriage certificate, as well as a statement that your spouse has been informed of the possible consequences of debts incurred as part of your business,
    • if you work with a spouse (married or PACS): marriage certificate or PACS certificate,

    Once the package of documents has been collected, you must send it to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie (CCI), on which you depend. You will then receive K extract over 1-4 weeks.

    Important information

    If you combine a craft and a commercial activity, you will have to double-register with both the Directory of Occupations (RM) and the Register of Trade and Commerce (RCS).

    Case 2: You are already working

    Have you already created your activity and therefore already registered?

    In this case, contact the Arbitration Court Register in your region or make a request online:

    1. Open the website infogreffe.fr and use the search engine to find your own business.

    2. When you see the line for your company, click on the company name.

    3. Scroll down the page to find a list of available official documents. In the Kbis tab you can select the sending method (mail or email). Now is the time to tick the “Regular submission” box if you want to always have an up-to-date K statement.

    Special case: if your company is registered in Alsace-Lorraine or in an overseas department, you cannot apply online. To receive an extract K, you need to personally contact the office of the Economic Court.

    Version K is not free, even if it represents a minimal cost:

    • 2.82 euros for editing the extract directly at the Secretariat of the Economic Court,
    • 4.01 € for receiving the statement by mail,
    • €3.53 to receive your statement by email.

    Please note that these statements have a limited validity period! As a rule, you will always be asked to provide a statement no older than 3 months.

    To keep it up to date, you can make your life easier by requesting that the document be sent periodically. To do this, simply tick the appropriate box when completing the online application. It will cost you €3.90 (€2.80 for editing and €1.10 for postage).

    You can stop periodic shipping or change the shipping address whenever you want.

    If the activity of a commercial agent is truly considered a commercial activity, registration is carried out through a special register: the Special Register of Commercial Agents.

    For these professionals it is not possible to issue a K extract. However, you can request (following the same procedure described above) a certificate of registration in the Register of Commercial Agents, which is equivalent to a K extract. The cost is 4.93 € to receive this document by post and email .

    Auto-entrepreneur master/craftsman (artisan): how to get a D1 extract

    For craft activities, it is not the K extract that will prove their registration, but the D1 extract. The formalities for obtaining this document will be different whether you are already self-employed or not.

    Case #1: You haven't created your own business yet

    You will first need to declare your solo business online and request registration with the Register of Occupations Registre des Métiers (RM). Here too, you will complete these two formalities simultaneously by filling one file.

    To be eligible for registration on the Occupational Register, you must meet certain conditions to demonstrate your ability to practice a trade. You will need to prove your qualifications:

    • diploma (BEP/CAP or equivalent),
    • or at least 3 years of experience in the craft sector.

    The request must be made one month before the actual start of the activity and can be made directly online.

    You will then need to send a complete set of documents to the Chamber of Commerce and Crafts, Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat (CMA), on which you depend. You will receive your D1 statement within 1-4 weeks.

    After the PACTE Act came into force, the installation preparation course Stage de preparation à l'Installation no longer required for artisans creating Micro-Entreprise. Participation in trainings is now only on a voluntary basis.

    Case 2: You are already working

    Is your Micro-Entreprise already registered? In this case, the CMA will be able to issue you with a D1 statement.

    You can do it directly online:

    1. Go to the CMA portal or your CMA department website and enter your SIREN number to search for your company.
    2. Select your company.
    3. Fill in your details.
    4. Download excerpt D1.

    How to justify the existence of his liberal activities?

    Autoentrepreneur liberal Kbis rarely happens. However, other decisions allow him to prove the existence of his liberal activities. He can consult with two different structures that provide the necessary supporting documents for the implementation of his projects.

    Как получить выписку Kbis для Auto-entrepreneur


    INSEE aims to compile a list of all economic entities operating in France. To do this, it assigns a SIREN number to all individuals or legal entities that declare their activities. Therefore, this organization issues a SIREN situation notice, which proves that the self-employed person is legally engaged in a freelance profession. Of course, the latter had to declare his activities.

    Follow the link to get the required document https://avis-situation-sirene.insee.fr/


    URSSAF is the main structure upon which Autoentrepreneurs engaged in the liberal profession depend. As part of the company creation process, the organization sends supporting documents to all interested entities.

    However, self-employed people can obtain a certificate from the URSSAF website. This document also confirms that he has completed the necessary formalities before starting his activities. However, a distinction should be made between certificates:

    • De vigilance;
    • D'appels d'offres.

    The first one is intended for all clients or potential clients wishing to cooperate with a liberal Autoentrepreneur. As for the second, it is reserved for public figures. In both cases, recipients can verify the authenticity of the electronic document using a security code.

    Source : https://www.portail-autoentrepreneur.fr/academie/creation-auto-entreprise/comment-obtenir-extrait-kbis


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    Olga Rouzade
    Olga Rouzade
    Advisor on business creation and promotion and organization of personal, family finances. I help to create a program of solutions to achieve your financial goals taking into account tax optimization. I consult on issues of business creation and promotion in France.

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