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    How to become a psychologist in France


    Many psychologists prefer private practice. However, it is important for them to choose a legal status adapted to their activities. So, being self-employed offers various tax and social benefits, although there are a few elements to take into account before you get started:

    • Have a degree in psychology.
    • Register the status of an individual entrepreneur.
    • Ensure continued compliance with the ethical obligations imposed on the profession.

    What standards govern the profession of psychologist?

    Whether psychologists work privately or for hire (in hospitals, businesses or even educational institutions), they must comply with certain obligations, the purpose of which is to regulate the profession.

    Regulating the profession of psychologists is actually important, given the serious consequences that they can cause for patients on a psychological or moral level.

    Availability of a special diploma

    The profession of psychologist is one of the professions regulated by the state. Article 44 of the law of July 25, 1985, establishing various social provisions, provides that “the professional use of the title of psychologist, accompanied or not accompanied by a qualification indicator, is permitted to holders of a diploma, certificate or title confirming a high level of fundamental education.” and applied university training in psychology in preparation for professional activity and included in the list established by regulation of the State Council, or holders of a foreign diploma recognized as equivalent to the required national diplomas.”

    Как стать психологом во Франции

    Decree No. 90-255 of March 22, 1990 established a list of university diplomas whose holders can use the title of psychologist:

    • Bachelor's and Master's degrees in psychology issued by the French state: studies must include the writing of a research dissertation as well as a professional internship. A person with only a master's degree in psychology cannot claim to be a psychologist: in fact, it is necessary to combine it with a license in the same field.
    • Foreign diplomas are recognized as equivalent: a foreigner who wants to work as a psychologist in France must have at least 3 years of study in psychology. In the future, it is necessary to send a request for recognition of the corresponding diploma to the Commission for the Recognition of Foreign Diplomas (Commission de reconnaissance des diplomes étrangers), which will communicate its findings to the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
    • State Diploma in School Psychology
    • Diploma in Occupational Psychology, awarded by the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.
    • Diploma in Psychology issued by the School of Practicing Psychologists of the Catholic Institute of Paris.
    • State Diploma of Consultant Psychologist

    Registration in the ADELI directory of the Departmental Territorial Representative Office (DTD)

    Before commencing training, a psychologist who has completed state-approved training must register his or her diploma in the ADELI Directory of the Department of Territorial Delegation (DTD). This register lists certain information about salaried or self-employed medical practitioners in the health sector:

    • Family status
    • Professional situation
    • Areas of activity

    For self-employed professionals, registration in the ADELI directory is carried out by the Regional Health Agency (Agence régionale de santé - ARS) to which they belong. Subsequently, the psychologist will be assigned an ADELI number, which will serve as his identification number. During his professional career, any changes in his activities and situation must be notified to ARS.

    When registering, you must provide several supporting documents:

    • Original diplomas confirming the title of psychologist: if these diplomas are foreign, they must be accompanied by a translation into French and a permit to practice issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche).
    • Identification
    • Registration form for registering psychologists in the ADELI directory (Cerfa n°12269*03)

    Please note: a psychologist cannot be registered in two different departments at the same time.

    Registration of professional insurance

    A liberal psychologist who wishes to become self-employed or a micro-entrepreneur must take out various professional insurances to ensure the safe continuation of his activities:

    • Compulsory insurance Professional liability insurance: All self-employed healthcare workers must carry professional liability insurance while they are not working under the direction of an employer. This insurance covers compensation for damages suffered by the patient and attributed to the liberal psychologist.
    • Professional Premises Insurance: When a liberal psychologist operates in a separate or attached mixed premises from the home, the location must be insured against various risks (fire, theft, water damage, etc.).
    • Additional Insurance Professional Legal Defense Insurance: This insurance covers legal costs in the event of a dispute with the patient. It also provides technical assistance, such as connecting you with a lawyer, as well as providing ongoing legal information.

    Compliance with the Code of Ethics for Psychologists

    Any psychologist practicing privately or within an institution is obliged to respect the principles set out in the 1996 Code of Ethics of French Psychologists, which sets out all the ethical rules that the profession must follow.

    Как стать психологом во Франции

    Anticipate the obligations associated with self-employed status

    Although self-employed status is not very restrictive, there are still certain requirements to be met in order to meet a certain turnover ceiling.

    Self-employed status is determined by a simplified tax and social system, which significantly favors the professional with regard to paying taxes and social security contributions. After all, when his turnover is zero, he is not obliged to pay it for his activities.

    There are several payment options available:

    Common law regime: the taxable income of a self-employed person is determined by the tax administration after applying a 34% discount, the amount of which cannot be less than 305€. The tax is paid periodically, and the sole proprietor can choose to pay monthly or quarterly.

    Versement libératoire from income tax (for self-employed): this is when the entrepreneur decides to pay social security contributions and tax in a single payment on income.

    The individual psychologist is also required to pay social insurance contributions in the amount of 21.2% of turnover for 2023.

    This preferential tax regime can be applied if the turnover does not exceed the threshold of 77,700 euros. If this ceiling is exceeded, the activity of a self-employed person goes into real mode.

    Good to know: due to the liberal nature of his activities, a self-employed psychologist is completely exempt from VAT. Therefore, he is not required to meet certain turnover thresholds to enable him to benefit from the VAT exemption (self-employed).

    Becoming a self-employed psychologist: what are the formalities?

    To obtain self-employed status, a liberal psychologist must complete a certain number of formalities. They consist of 4 steps:

    • Register your activity;
    • Get your SIRET number;
    • Join Self-Employed Social Security;
    • Declare your turnover.

    Step 1: Register your activity

    The psychologist must first declare his activities in a single window inpi. To do this, simply connect to the platform, fill out the activity declaration form, and then submit the required supporting documents digitally.

    Step 2: Get a SIRET number

    After submitting the declaration of commencement of activity, the self-employed psychologist receives his SIRET number from INSEE within 8–15 days. Its presence is necessary for the proper conduct of activities, since it must appear in all official documents of the micro-enterprise.

    Step 3: Join the self-employed social security system

    If the psychologist is not associated with any social security scheme, he must report to the Self-Employed Social Security Service (ex-RSI), given that he does not fall within the scope of the general social security scheme. He will receive notification of joining within 4-6 weeks of the announcement: he will then need to create an online account on the Social Security Self-Employed website and provide all the required information.

    Good to know: Social security for the self-employed offers protection to the self-employed similar to that of the general social security system, with the exception of unemployment insurance, which is incompatible with the independent nature of their activities.

    Step 4: Submit your first return

    The psychologist must submit his first online turnover declaration as a sole trader no later than 90 days after starting his activity, which will allow him, in particular, to pay social security contributions. You are obliged to comply with the turnover threshold set at 77,700 euros in proportion to time. Thus, if a self-employed entrepreneur starts his activity on October 1, then the threshold value will be considered the last quarter of the year: for the rest of the calendar year, the turnover of a self-employed psychologist must not exceed the ceiling of 18,125 euros. A micro-enterprise risks being deregistered if the self-employed person does not declare their turnover for 24 consecutive months.

    Brief summary

    A self-employed psychologist can practice in their desired field depending on their specialization, but there are a few restrictions that must be followed. Indeed, he must first of all have the specific diploma precisely specified in Decree No. 90-255 of March 22, 1990, he must also be registered in the ADELI directory of the Department of Territorial Representation (DTD), subscribe to various professional insurances and, finally , comply with the code of ethics of psychologists.

    What are the formalities to become a microentrepreneur psychologist?

    Formalities for declaring microentrepreneurs are carried out electronically through the INPI single window system. The entire procedure must now be carried out on this platform.

    Как стать психологом во Франции

    What professional insurance is required for self-employed psychologists?

    In addition to professional insurance, an independent psychologist must take out professional liability insurance as well as professional premises insurance. In addition, he can optionally choose professional legal protection insurance.

    What is the annual turnover ceiling for a microentrepreneur psychologist?

    As a regulated liberal activity, the total amount of self-employment for a psychologist must not exceed €77,700 per year.

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    Olga Rouzade
    Olga Rouzade
    Advisor on business creation and promotion and organization of personal, family finances. I help to create a program of solutions to achieve your financial goals taking into account tax optimization. I consult on issues of business creation and promotion in France.

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