HomeBlogIs it possible to combine Micro-entreprise status and other activities?

    Is it possible to combine Micro-entreprise status and other activities?


    Often an entrepreneur needs to combine his activities with other activities. Let's figure out how to do this correctly.

    Unemployed (chômeur)

    An unemployed person can combine the status of unemployed and Auto-Entrepreneur. Depending on the situation, he needs to choose which of two types of benefits he can receive:

    • ARE (Allocation chômage d'aide au retour à l'emploi)
    • ARCE (L'aide à la reprise et à la création d'entreprise)

    Size ARE will depend on income from business activities (when calculating income, it is taken into account standard deduction, provided for Auto-Entrepreneur). So, your income will be deducted from unemployment benefits.

    To avoid this, you can save the income you earn from your business and use this fund later when your benefit rights end.

    If you choose ARCE, then you will be paid 45% of your full benefit in 2 stages:

    • half at once
    • the second half after 6 months.

    If your company closes within 3 years of opening, you can withdraw the remaining 55% of your benefit.

    Student (étudiant)

    You can become an entrepreneur if you are an adult, that is, you are over 18 years old or you are an emancipated teenager (mineur emancipé). Otherwise, you need to get permission from your parents, more details here.

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    However, you should pay attention to ensure that your income does not affect:

    • Your parents' tax situation (since you are a member of a tax household, your income may increase the tax burden on all family members).
    • The amount of the APL (Aide personnalisée au logement), it will depend on your income over the previous 12 months.
    • Your stipend, its amount depends on your income in year N-2.

    Pensioner (retraité)

    You can continue your business in retirement, but you need to be careful here too. If you started receiving your pension and then opened a company with the same type of activity, for example:

    • If your business activity is related to craft or commerce, and your old-age pension also includes activities related to craft or commerce, then the pension will continue to be paid to you only if your annual income does not exceed the ceiling of 20,568 Euro. Your basic and supplementary pensions will be suspended, taking into account the income you received over the previous 12 months.
    • If you were a Profession Libérale and are assigned to the CNAVPL for the basic old-age pension and to one of the 10 funds for the supplementary pension, depending on your activity. And you resume liberal activities in your own business, your old-age pension continues as long as your annual income remains below €41,136 (PASS). If you overspend, your superannuation pension will be reduced by the amount of the overspending.

    Read more here...

    Maternity leave (congé maternité)

    During maternity leave, as well as child care leave, nothing interferes with the implementation of entrepreneurial activity. This does not apply to paid work, which entails loss of daily allowance.

    Please note that you must comply with the provisions of your employment contract. Source…

    Agriculture (agriculteur)

    You can combine the activity of Auto-entrepreneur with your main activity of agriculteur.

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    Olga Rouzade
    Olga Rouzade
    Advisor on business creation and promotion and organization of personal, family finances. I help to create a program of solutions to achieve your financial goals taking into account tax optimization. I consult on issues of business creation and promotion in France.

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