HomeBlogLawyers' pensions: what to pay attention to?

    Lawyers' pensions: what to pay attention to?


    The lawyers belong to the Caisse Nationale des Barreaux Français (CNBF). This fund provides a basic pension, which is different from other independent professionals' pensions, as well as additional treatment. In all cases, lawyers are interested in supplementing their pension with life insurance or a Madelin contract.

    Пенсия адвокатов: на что обратить внимание?

    Basic pension for lawyers

    From the very beginning, the lawyers decided to manage their pension fund completely independently. Indeed, unlike members of other liberal professions who pool their basic pension funds, lawyers, whether independently practicing or employed, have their own basic regime, which corresponds to different parameters.

    If a lawyer ceases to practice after reaching the minimum retirement age (62 years) and if he accumulates the required length of service, he will be able to claim a pension of €17,428 per year in 2022. If the lawyer does not provide evidence of the number of quarters worked required to generate it, the lump sum pension amount will be reduced by 1,25% for each missing quarter of contribution.

    If the lawyer does not have a sufficient number of quarters of work and has contributed to the CNBF for less than 15 years (60 quarters), the basic pension is calculated in proportion to the fixed pension. For rights terminated before 1 January 2017, it was proportional to the Old Age Benefit for Old Salaried Employees (AVTS), which is almost six times less than the fixed pension.

    Finally, pay attention to the rather original method of financing: the lawyer actually has to pay:

    • Costs (13€),
    • fixed contribution and preliminary proportional contribution.

    Additional pension

    The additional regime provides a larger portion of the pension. The pension amount is calculated based on points, according to the following parameters:

    Pension point value x number of points purchased.

    The value of a point in the supplementary pension scheme was set at 1 January 2022 at €0.9622.

    Until 2015, a lawyer had the opportunity to choose from 5 fee classes, each of which was divided into 5 professional income categories. From 1 January 2018 there are only 4 classes of contributions (still divided into 5 tranches).

    Lawyers can choose to either contribute to the top classes over the next 15 years or simply watch the contributions increase but receive fewer pension rights during that period.

    The choice of deposit class is not irrevocable and final. Thus, the lawyer can change his choice every year.

    Reversion cannot be increased

    Two regimes - basic and additional - provide for the payment of survivor's pensions in favor of the surviving spouse under the following conditions:

    • Basic pension: 50% from the pension of the deceased insured person. The surviving non-remarried spouse (or, failing that, minor children) is entitled to a survivor's pension if the marriage lasted at least 5 years, regardless of age.
    • Additional pension: 60% from the pension of the deceased insured person. The surviving non-remarried spouse (or, failing that, minor children) is entitled to a survivor's pension if he himself has reached the age of 50 and if the marriage took place at least 5 years before date of death of the lawyer.

    Пенсия адвокатов: на что обратить внимание?


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    Olga Rouzade
    Olga Rouzade
    Advisor on business creation and promotion and organization of personal, family finances. I help to create a program of solutions to achieve your financial goals taking into account tax optimization. I consult on issues of business creation and promotion in France.

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