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    Invitation to an open conference


    Friends, I invite you to an open conference where high-ranking diplomats, public figures, lawyers, psychologists and experts from France, Italy, Kazakhstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries will discuss topical issues that concern modern women.

    Free admission

    What pressing issues concern the Modern woman?

    1. Versatility and adaptability: The modern woman is the embodiment of flexibility and the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing world, while maintaining her uniqueness.
    2. Professional development and career: no more stereotypes. Modern women occupy leadership positions, work in science, art and many other areas previously considered “male.”
    3. Financial independence: The modern woman understands the importance of financial education and managing her funds to ensure a comfortable future.
    4. The value of communications: In the era of information technology, the ability to communicate, connect and build relationships has become a key skill.
    5. Work-life balance: The modern woman seeks harmony between her career and personal life, seeking to enjoy both aspects.
    6. Self-care: understanding the importance of physical and psychological well-being, active implementation of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
    7. Family and Children: Many modern women strive to combine motherhood with a career, based on the principle that you can be successful in both directions.
    8. Education and self-development: an undying thirst for knowledge, a desire for self-improvement and participation in society.
    9. Active citizenship: participation in social, cultural and educational projects, as well as in public life.
    10. Technology and Innovation: A modern woman actively uses the latest technologies and keeps up with the times, adapting to innovations.

    The event will cover key topics such as:

    • support and protection of women and children,
    • achieving financial independence,
    • mastery of successful communications,
    • methods of effective social adaptation,
    • and much more.

    This is a unique opportunity to hear the opinions of outstanding specialists, exchange experience and knowledge.

    By the way, I am not only one of the organizers, but also a speaker. Topic of my speech:
    5 key steps to financial independence for the modern woman.

    Don't miss the chance to meet like-minded people, discuss issues that interest you and make new promising acquaintances.
    Register link

    See you soon at the event!

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    Olga Rouzade
    Olga Rouzade
    Advisor on business creation and promotion and organization of personal, family finances. I help to create a program of solutions to achieve your financial goals taking into account tax optimization. I consult on issues of business creation and promotion in France.

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